What is Business Management?

Written by Abdul Mannan

April 7, 2022

Business management comprises organizing, planning, leading, staffing, or controlling and directing a business effort to accomplish the entity’s listed goals. Business management is the act of organizing people to achieve the desired goals and objectives of a business. Business management requires the utilization of the entity’s resources in the most efficient manner possible. 

In a for-profit business model, s management focuses on the satisfaction of a range of stakeholders, including the officers of the business, its employees, shareholders, and the general public (consumers). In this regard, business management’s primary function is to secure a profit, (for shareholders) create valuable and innovative products at a reasonable cost (consumers) and provide employment opportunities. In a nonprofit scope, business will focus on keeping the faith of its supporters and donors. 

Basic Functions of Business Management:

Business management operates through a series of functions, typically classified as organizing, staffing, planning, leading, monitoring, controlling, and motivating.


This area of business management decides what needs to happen in the future and subsequently generates action plans. Planning is the foundation for effective businessplan; by deciding what needs to happen next week, next year, or over the next five years, a business can develop a strategy to meet its listed goals.


This phase of the business management process requires the leaders of the entity to monitor progress concerning the plans and business of the business.


This portion of business management implements a pattern of relationships among its employees to encourage the optimum use of the entity’s resources. Organizing is needed to utilize the businesses’ finite resources; effective use of resources is the foundation for reaching a desired level of productivity. 


This area of management focuses on recruiting, analyzing, and hiring individuals for appropriate employment posts. 


A key aspect of the business management model, motivation is a basic function to maximize employee efficiency. By boosting morale, employees will carry out their specific tasks in an effective manner.


Also referred to as “directing” in the business management model, leading requires the entity’s executives to determine what needs to be accomplished in a situation and what employees are best to fulfill such expectations.

Basic Roles of the Business Management Process:

Decisional Roles:

Carried out by the entity’s executives, the decisional roles are required for decision-making purposes.


These roles are necessary to effectively coordinate and interact with the employee base. Interpersonal roles are used to bridge the gap between the businesses’ executives and their employees; interpersonal roles are used to create a sense of uniformity and a team environment. 


These roles are implemented to handle, analyze and share information that is important to the business. 

Management Skills Needed for the Business Process


These skills are essential to the business management process because they analyze the appropriate course of action/responses to situations that may affect the business’s stability or health.


These skills are used to build a foundation for the business; political skills are needed to establish connections with public bodies, the public, and other companies.


These skills are required to effectively evaluate complex situations.


A series of skills is needed to bolster motivation and communication among the executives and employee-base of a company. Interpersonal skills are a fundamental aspect of the business process because they enable executives to mentor employees and delegate tasks.

Formation of a Business Management Plan:

The business’s management plan is a guide that stipulates regulations and objectives; the management plan may be used by executives in the decision-making process and may be followed by the entity’s employees to bolster transparency and motivation. Regardless of its particular use, the business plan must be flexible and easily interpreted by all employees of the business. 

The business management plan refers to the construction of a coordinated plan of action that lists the goals and the resources used to engage these goals concerning the company’s long-term objectives. The business management plan provides guidelines for all members of the business; these instructions or regulations stipulate how the employees and managers ought to utilize and allocate the entity’s factors of production. 

In the business management process, the mission of the entity is the most fundamental purpose. The vision of the company’s goals reflects its overall aspirations; this portion of the business process specifies the intended direction of the company. The business management process also requires the entity to list its objectives. By listing objectives, the business will refer to the ends at which a certain activity is aimed—this gives the purpose’s tangible actions a means. 

The Implementation of the Business Management Plan:

To effectively implement a business plan, the following strategies and relationships must be formed:

  • The policies must be discussed with all executives, managerial staff, and general employees of the business model.
  • All managers must understand how and where they can implement their strategies and policies. 
  • A formal plan of action must be constructed for each department of the management plan. 
  • All strategies and policies must be reviewed at least quarterly—the review of the business plan will be evaluated to ensure that the provisions of the plan are properly aligned with the broader goals of the business.
  • Contingency plans must be developed to meet changes in the macro-economy or the environment. 
  • The business management plan must actively assess the progress of the company as well as the actions carried out by the top executives of the company
  • The construction of a sound environment and palpable team spirit is required for the business to be efficient
  • The objectives, missions, strengths, and weaknesses of each sector of the business must be evaluated to determine their roles in achieving the broader mission.
  • A planning strategy must be created to ensure that all initiatives are consistent and that strategies are aimed at achieving the same objectives. 

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